IO-Link setup


I have connected a few IO-Link devices to ABB Robots and always had to map the signals manually from the products documentation.

Has anyone managed to make a iolist from a iodd file with all signals and correct mapping?
Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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  • Tedenljung
    Tedenljung ✭✭
    edited February 9

    Sorry for wakening up an old thread, but this is exactly what I am struggling with right now.

    We have an Balluff ProfiNet node (BNI PNT 508 105 z015) on the robot and now we want to add an IO-Link proportional valve (VP5006BJ511H00) to port 6 and control the pressure to the gripper depending on product type.

    The node itself is already configured, we use some ports as Input and Output already.

    But how do I map the proportional valve signals in robot according to the IODD file?
    Can you help me get starting as all I tried has not worked so far.
    Link to IODD page: IODDfinder

    It would be very user friendly if you could use the IODD file directly in I/O-Engineering tool to add IO-Link units.
    Post edited by Tedenljung on
  • @Tompanhuhu
    Can you tell how you did setup IO-Link devices manually?
  • Sorry I don't have any experience with Balluff IO-Link master.

    But you can map your device-io with the information found here:

    Go to IODDviewer and then Process data.

    You can see that your device use 8 input bytes and 4 output bytes in the robot. 

    first 32 input bits are device temperature
    last 32 input bits are device output pressure

    demand pressure is set with first 32 outputs. 

    Create analog signal or group signal and mapp them with correct offset to your master.

    Sorry I can't be of more help. 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group