IRB1200 rslib no longer in RS2022

Since upgrade to RS2022 I can no longer open my project due to missing rslib for IRB1200.
Not able to locate it myself either.

Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer


  • I was able to do a workaround by creating a new empty station, add an IRB1200 and then export a rslib from that. 

    One strange thing was that I had another project with an IRB1200 which I could open without problem.
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • Now I was able to locate the libray here. There are a lot of unnamed library folder.

    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • I have the same problem...
  • Had this problem to locate the lib of IRC5 Single Cabinet. After upgrading from RS2022 to 2023, the lib folders were not migrated/copied from 2022 to 2023 (maybe I messed up when installing?). Found the lib files on
     C:\Program Files (x86)\ABB\RobotStudio 2022\ABB Library\Equipment

  • All (well almost) library components have been moved to distribution packages so they can be distributed and updated independently. You can install packages manually from Add-Ins/Gallery, or they will be installed automatically when needed.
    The packages are located under C:\ProgramData\ABB\DistributionPackages2, but normally you should not need to access them manually
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    RobotStudio Team, ABB Robotics