Wizard problems with GoFa Application Kit


Got a GoFa here. Trying to implement the GoFa Application Kit (https://rise.articulate.com/share/r7VmN8vLfsz2l8BzwcAVCQr61r6_6hce#/)

Robot is mounted, installed, and operational (Schunk tool not mounted) but I do have a problem with the wizard. The application kit comes with pre-programmed blocks for the wizard. Some blocks use arguments that are sent to functions in RAPID, and some blocks does not (they run functions/procs without arguments).

If I use any of the blocks, when creating a wizard program on the flexpendant, that use arguments (like targets, texts, etc) the wizard on the flexpendant wont open when closed and re-started.

If I use coblocks with no arguments only, the wizard can be closed and opened without any problem.

Using OpenGripper, CloseGripper, Wait, Move to home pos, in a program works fine. Using an instance of the others gives the error message above.

I hope there is a quick solution as I am eager to get this application up and running! :)




  • I tried to start a completely new project and created some own blocks and have the same issue. As soon as there are arguments the wizard initialization error appear. If a program is created in the Wizard it runs as it should in RobotStudio so syntax is OK. It seems to be a problem in the Wizard app?
  • got the same problem with the wizard initialisation error.