Go To position - not working

With the Flex Pendant I highlight the position, then Debug, and select Go to position. However, it the robot does not move to this position. Is there something I am missing?

Best Answer

  • graemepaulin
    edited May 2022 Answer ✓
    You need to  be in the jogging screen, and tap Go To as below.
    Ensure you have the correct tool and workobject (if used) selected in the jogging screen.
    The Go To uses these as the co-ordinate systems to use with the Robtarget... 

    This opens a new screen where you can select the position...
    Only works for named Robtargets not inline (*) Robtargets 


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    I never used the Yumi, but in other robots you use the jog screen to go to or move to position.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    I never used the Yumi, but in other robots you use the jog screen to go to or move to position.
    I'm not sure how to get to a position from the Jog function. Nothing  shows up in the list, at least not in the virtual controller. I will have to connect and see if it works.
  • I opened the Program Editor, and selected the position, then selected Go To position. I hold down the Go To button, and nothing. 
    I don't get it - shouldn't the robot move to the position?

  • You need to  be in the jogging screen, and tap Go To as below.
    Ensure you have the correct tool and workobject (if used) selected in the jogging screen.
    The Go To uses these as the co-ordinate systems to use with the Robtarget... 

    This opens a new screen where you can select the position...
    Only works for named Robtargets not inline (*) Robtargets 

    Well, that is starting to make sense. I was wondering why I did not see any positon targets in the window. All my positions are "jointtargets". I guess I will need to change these to robtargets.
    Thank you for the clarification.

    CONST jointtarget PposStart:=[[58.5188,-73.4665,44.0647,-1.55973,13.5018,-14.7421],[-74.036,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
        CONST jointtarget PposInsert:=[[65.9099,-68.1386,28.8881,-0.762834,45.0241,-55.3991],[-97.1017,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
        CONST jointtarget PposDrop:=[[53.3995,-68.1223,18.8865,-1.63301,66.5549,-55.2394],[-92.2589,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
        PROC main()
        PROC MoveToHomeR()    
    MoveAbsJ pHomeR\NoEOffs, v1000, z0, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
            PROC HalfSyncR()
            WaitSyncTask\inpos,sync1,tasklist;!-----------------------------------------wait sync1 - wait until both arms have homed...................................
    MoveAbsJ pPosAppr\NoEOffs, v1000, z50, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
            WaitUntil \inpos, TRUE;
            !WaitTime 1;
            MoveAbsJ pPosPick\NoEOffs, v1000, z50, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
            WaitUntil \inpos, TRUE;
            !WaitTime 1;
  • Is it possible to change these jointtargets to robtargets?
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    Use the Function CalcRobT
    Lee Justice
  • gczerkawski
    edited May 2022
    lemster68 said:
    Use the Function CalcRobT
    I tried this, however, the syntax seems to be incorrect:

     Var robtarget p1;
        CONST jointtarget pPosAppr:=[[48.6457,-47.2697,63.7466,44.4377,-57.9163,2.44986],[-81.4889,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]];
        p1 := CalcRobT(pPosAppr, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
        PROC main()
        PROC MoveToHomeR()    
    MoveAbsJ pHomeR\NoEOffs, v1000, z0, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
            PROC HalfSyncR()
            WaitSyncTask\inpos,sync1,tasklist;!-----------------------------------------wait sync1 - wait until both arms have homed...................................
    MoveAbsJ pPosAppr\NoEOffs, v1000, z50, gripRight\WObj:=wobjTable;
            WaitUntil \inpos, TRUE;
            WaitTime 1;
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    You have left out the end parenthesis.
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    You have left out the end parenthesis.
    Unfortunately that did not fix it.

    I did manage to change all the jointtargets to robtargets, just had to go to each one step-by-step and add a new instruction.

    Would be nice to know why its not working.