RobotStudio event

Robotstudio 2022.1 with RW 7.6: 41824 not possible to open the UdpUc device

Hi, I am trying to send commands form a ROSPC running egm to a ROBOTPC running Robotstudio.

The communication works fine in this sample from github:Create code samples · Issue #18 · ros-industrial/abb_libegm · GitHub, with controller based on robotware 6.08.
but for the GoFa and Omnicore controller, I have to run the simulation with RW 7 or higher.
  • The communication between computers is checked.

  • configuration in Robotstudio is as follows

  • I also whitelisted the address of ROSPC

However, the RAPID code which worked for the RW 6.08 doesn't work for the new configuration. I got this error:

Is this a problem arised from version compatibility? or did I miss somthing?
I appreciate any advice!

thank you in advance.