Adding Plasma Cutting Option to existing Welding system as an addition

Hi all

I have a working welding system with the following options already installed on it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Media path="RobotWare_6.09.2007" name="RobotWare" version="6.09.2007">
    <Media path="TrackMotion_6.09.2007" name="TrackMotion" version="6.09.2007">
    <Option descr="RobotWare Base">
    <Option descr="English">
    <Option descr="709-1 DeviceNet Master/Slave">
    <Option descr="608-1 World Zones">
    <Option descr="613-1 Collision Detection">
    <Option descr="617-1 FlexPendant Interface">
    <Option descr="624-1 Continuous Application Platform">
    <Option descr="628-1 Sensor Interface">
    <Option descr="652-1 BullsEye">
    <Option descr="653-3 ABB TSC 2013">
    <Option descr="637-1 Production Screen">
    <Option descr="653-x Torch Service">
    <Option descr="IRB 4600-20/2.50 Type C">
    <Option descr="Drive System IRB 460/640/660/760/4600/66xx/6700">
    <Option descr="ADU-790A in position X3">
    <Option descr="633-4 Arc">
    <Option descr="ESAB AristoMig integrated">
    <Option descr="815-2 WeldGuide MultiPass">
    <Option descr="657-1 SmarTac IO version">
    <Option descr="Track Motion x004 Base">
    <Option descr="IRBT 4004 Type A 10.9 m">
    <Option descr="Standard carriage In line">

I want to add an additional option, Plasma Cutting, to the current system/cell to use when welding jobs are a bit limited.

I want to use my existing Robot, Track and Current Welding Powersource for this. Powersource - ESAB Mig 5000i

Has anybody done this or similar addition to a working welding system and what will the pro's and cons be.


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2022
    I have not done such, but I would be inclined to configure it as a welding system.  If you set it up right, the system won't know the difference.  Is there actually such an option available?
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    I have not done such, but I would be inclined to configure it as a welding system.  If you set it up right, the system won't know the difference.  Is there actually such an option available?
    @Lemster68 - Thank you for your response. I was thinking the same. I'm also awaiting feedback from ESAB and ABB regarding this query.

    Maybe out here is someone that have done something similar in the past and can also share some info and enlighten us with their experience.

  • There is an option I think it's named 'two additional arcsystems' 
    You can then configure it as a standard i/o welder and keeping your current welding system. 
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

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    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • There is an option I think it's named 'two additional arcsystems' 
    You can then configure it as a standard i/o welder and keeping your current welding system. 
    Where can I get read material on this option? Can you direct me to the correct manuals please?