RobotStudio event

Unexpected reboot during silent install


We are deploying ABB RobotStudio 2022.2 via SCCM using PowerShell scripts. The script is needed for the activation of the network license, unless this has been corrected.

RobotStudio Silent Install — ABB Robotics User Forums

During the installation if the machine has never had ABB installed it will reboot during the process even with 

write-host "Installing ABB RobotStudio..."
$PathRobotStudio = $psscriptroot + '\RobotStudio\setup.exe'
$ArgsRobotStudio = ' /S /v/qn'
start-process -wait -NoNewWindow $PathRobotStudio -argumentlist $ArgsRobotStudio

After a bit of installing the machine will reboot with System Event: 

The process msiexec.exe has initiated the restart of computer DEPLOYSERVICES on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
 Reason Code: 0x80030002
 Shutdown Type: restart
 Comment: The Windows Installer initiated a system restart to complete or continue the configuration of 'ABB RobotStudio 2022.2'."

Activation in the same script: 

$LicenseEXE = $ProgramFilesx86 + "\ABB\RobotStudio 2022\Bin\RobotStudio.Installer.exe"
$ArgsLicenseEXE =  ' SetServer'

Any prerequisites perhaps triggering the reboot? 

If i uninstall and reinstall using the same script the machine does not reboot. I will dig through the machine to see if I can find any logs to review, but if anyone has any suggestions i am all ears! 

Thanks in advance.   


    It was a prereq of MS Visual C++

    On another note it seems you can place the key back into the install cmd. 

    Good luck out there