Error Installation Manager for virtual controller

Hi everyone,
I am new to the use of Robotstudio and not a specialist in robotics, therefore forgive me for my silly mistakes and language :)

So far I have been using Robot studio mostly to connect my controller with ethernet cable, basically to upload programs in the controller.
Now, I am trying to have my controller as virtual so that I can try to simulate my program (to check the robot moving) and I was trying to do so by following one of the many guides existing online on the topic. 

The problem is that I got an error message when I click on Installation Manager (6 or 7).
I would really like to upload a screenshot of the error here but I don't get how to do that.

Is short, the error message says:
"The invocation of the constructor on type 'RobotStudio.InstallationManager.MainWindow' that matches the specified binding constrains threw an exception.

I am using the basic license, I guess is still possible to do this kind of operations?


  • Hello @Dar,

    please try to reinstall/ repair RobotStudio - The Installation Manager is not a premium feature, so it shall work.
    FYI: I tested this in RS 2022.2.1, the installation managers 6 & 7 are starting as intended.