Jogging YUMI IRB14000

I can jog the robot in Linear mode, but then I switch to AXIS 4-6 and it will not move Axis 6. What is the probem?  There is no alarm or error present.
When I switch back to Linear mode it will allow me to jog in any of the axis, 3, 4 or 6.

Can anyone help me understand what I am doing wrong?


  • Maybe it's just the jog speed - seems like it is barely moving. What would cause this?
  • Do you have the joy stick lock on one direction, or incremental mode on?
  • Do you have the joy stick lock on one direction, or incremental mode on?
    I don't believe so - did not even know this was possible. 

    One thing I noticed on one axis, it was actually jogging , however, it was so very slow. Is this a feature that is automatically enabled?
  • What controls the speed of the Go-To when jogging? Seems like some moves are faster than others.