RobotStudio event

How to Wire AS to IRC5? automatic stop.

I would like to know how to wire AS to IRC5?  As from (a door interlock or light curtains)

I know it is in connector X5 and it is in positions (12,7) and (6,1). But I am not sure how excatly should I wire them. 

and can I only wire one chanel or I have to wire both chanel?

I also have a question, Can I use only safety relay or I should use safety relay plus a contactor?
Thank you in adavnce


  • You must wire both channels, it is a dual channel safety. Most safety rated devices require dual channel. If it is something like a door interlock that utilizes a physical contact, then you may not need a safety relay at all. A safety relay is the way to go for hooking something like that up.