RobotStudio event

RWS 2.0 GET file service response causes JSON decode error

When trying to the contents of a directory on the controller I get a JSON decode error. The response is:
'{ "_links" : { "base" : { "href" : "$home/paths/" } , "self" : { "href" : "" } }  , "_embedded" : { "resources" : [  , { "_links" : { "parent" : { "href" : "" }, "self" : { "href" : "test.csv" } }, "_type" : "fs-file", "_title" : "test.csv", "fs-cdate" : "2022-09-21 T 04:56:08", "fs-mdate" : "2022-09-21 T 04:56:08", , "fs-size" : "37515", "fs-readonly" : "false" } ] }}'
There's 2 issues with this response: 1. after ""resources": [" there's a blank key, and 2. after ""2022-09-21 T 04:56:08"," is another space which causes the error while trying to decode it for JSON.
I've tried changing the content-type and accept headers but no luck. This also worked fine in RWS 1.0. I'm sure I could manually work around this but so far all other requests haven't had an issue with JSON.

I am running RW 7.2

Thanks for any help