load identify routine

I ran the load identify routine after replacing the axis 4,5&6 knuckle. I am still getting the error undefined load. Any clue as to why?


  • What was wrong with the wrist?  If you had run it before with a good wrist it doesn't need to be rerun.  Did you fine calibrate those axes and check the rev counters?  Is there an armload mounted on the robot?
    Lee Justice
  • The load data in the program had reverted to 0. Have no clue why, I changed that to the program setting and it took care of the issue. The old wrist was wore and had some play in it, we use it for a welding application so the small amount of wear in it was significant to the process. Thanks for the input lemster68.
  • Is the loaddata declared as persistent? Are there multiple loads defined? I guess an arc welding tool has no tool or payload change.

    Keep in mind, there is loaddata for tool, stationary workobject and normal payload. Select accordingly to what is used in the program.