Can Intergrated Vision scan QR codes?

I know, that I can scan bar codes with ABB Camera and Integrated Vision. But what about QR codes? 

Best Answers

  • FlorianKnecht
    Answer ✓
    Hello @nameXDD,

    You can use the built-in function '2D Codes', as in the image:

    -> If you just inspect one Part at a time, I suggest using 'Read 2D Code' instead of 'Read 2D Code (1-20)'.
    -> With CamGetResult you read the received resulting data, the 'String' Part contains the QR data Storage.

    Best regards,
  • nameXDD
    Answer ✓
    Hello @nameXDD,

    You can use the built-in function '2D Codes', as in the image:

    -> If you just inspect one Part at a time, I suggest using 'Read 2D Code' instead of 'Read 2D Code (1-20)'.
    -> With CamGetResult you read the received resulting data, the 'String' Part contains the QR data Storage.

    Best regards,
    Thank you so much. I'll try this one!


  • nameXDD
    edited October 2022
    The Cognex cameras can scan QR codes, as I saw on the Cognex website, but how it use in RobotStudio? I have boxes with QR codes.

    I can use another method (not solutions from ABB/Cognex) for scanning QR codes and sending information to RobotStudio, but I want to know about can I do it easier in Integrated Vision or not.
  • Hi Friends, 

    I am trying the same thing, QR reading and extraction of the String; My camera detects the QR and its string value and the results says Pass :).

    But in my Rapid, I want to get the string as a parameter:
    I tried:
    VAR string QR_storage; ..... CamGetParameter HandCamera, "IDCode_1", \StrVar:=QR_storage; 
    TPWrite "The current value of IDCode_1 is: "  QR_storage;

    But i get an error of "parameter cannot be accessed." Please can you help me how to write the rapid?