Why "updateAtributesByName" not working on real Robot with RobotWare >= 7.7.1?

Seems that "RWS.CFG.updateAtributesByName" is no longer working on real Robot with RobotWare >= 7.7.1
1) Generate Signal "TestDI" on real Robot.
2) Run short Test App: (example from "OmniCore App SDK 1.1" p.67)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="fp-components/fp-components-common.js"></script>
    <script src="rws-api/omnicore-rws.js"></script>
    <!-- Always use UTF-8 as character set! -->
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <img src="Test.png" alt="Test" height="100" onclick="Test()" />

        function Test() {
            var attr = [];
            attr['Label'] = 'Test IO Label';
            attr['SignalType'] = 'DI';
            attr['Access'] = 'All';
            RWS.CFG.updateAttributesByName('EIO','EIO_SIGNAL','TestDI',attr).then (result => {
                console.log("UpdateEIO done ");
            .catch (error => {
                console.log(error.message + " failed");

3) Result:
RobotWare 7.6: "UpdateEIO done" -> all attributes set
RobotWare 7.7.1 & 7.8: "Could not update attributes. >>> Failed to update attributes failed" -> nothing set
In Simulator everything worked fine with all RobotWare Versions ("UpdateEIO done" -> all attributes set)
