ABB Services get set to deactived on Windows 11

Not sure if the Changes coming from Robot Studio or Windows 11. Since the update to Robotstudio 202203 (maybe 02 but left that out) the ABB Discovery Server and Communication Server are Deactivated after Windows Restart.
Tryed couple time to Change that to Automatic, after A restart its again deactived

Just updated to 2022031 same on that one, even worse I think, becaus on 202203 a reinstall did work till next windows restart not anymore.

Any advice how I get around that


  • I don't experience this issue.
    Robotstudio 2022.3.1 (22.3.10141.1) 
    Windows 11 Pro 22H2, version 22621.963
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

    If I helped, please press Vote Up  :smile:

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • Looks like can only talk for me,
    uninstalled, and reinstalled after windows Restart both services on deactivated.
    Robotstudio 2022.3.1 (22.3.10141.1) 
    Windows 11 Pro 22H2, version 22621.963

    Started with install of 2022.3 there an reinstall switched the services back to normal now need activate them after windows started.

  • News Actually it doesnt need an Restart the Services gets Disabled even during Windows Runtime.
    After some time having Robotstudio in the Background the Services change to disabled.