Base frame 180 degree from world frame

In my application we have to be beside robot when jogging, so joystick is backwards in Y & X axis. If I would rotate robot base 180° from world base on the Z axis, and jogged in world, it should be right, right? I'm guessing it's in control panel-configuration-motion-Robot-Rob1, the base frame q1,2,3,and4 and the base frame moved by. But have no clue what to put there. Any help would be appreciated. 
IRB6600-175/2.8   S4CPLUS M2000
IRB 660-180/3.15  IRC5


  • No to the base frame moved by.  The quaternions that you enter should be 0,0,0,1 if I recall correctly.
    Lee Justice
  • Caution! If you have already programmed these robots, you could throw your programs all out of whack.
    Lee Justice
  • Thanks. no programs yet. just setting it up
    IRB6600-175/2.8   S4CPLUS M2000
    IRB 660-180/3.15  IRC5
  • Having said that, I was going to just import all the programs from old robot to the new one and all the X coordinates would now be negative. Is there a setting to reverse the direction that joystick moves the robot. I sure haven't found it.
    IRB6600-175/2.8   S4CPLUS M2000
    IRB 660-180/3.15  IRC5
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    No setting that I am aware of other than what we have been discussing.  I can suggest that you make workobject with 0,0,0 and orient 0,0,0,1 for you to jog in that workobject's coordinates, should behave as you desire. 
    Lee Justice