Request: Double click to view center

Since user created RobotApps addins no longer exists, I would like to request the ability to double click to view center. 
This was my favourite addin.

Also very useful, but no longer available, was the surface angle measurement.
Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer


  • Good idea!

    In the meantime I solved this using a custom keyboard shortcut (e.g Ctrl+Shift+C) to view selected object in center. Also very useful if you happen to zoom out through an object and lose track of the rotation center.
  • @Simmu
    I used a shortcut to view center for ten years until I found "Double click to view center" (which was then taken away from RS addin tab). I also had the shortcut as a macro on one of my 3D mouse buttons.

    FYI, the "Double click to view center" addin is available again, @Tompanhuhu shared it in this thread:
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer