RobotStudio event

Is it possible to write a routine which only works when the button is pressed?

Hey everyone
I would like to ask if it is possible to create a routine that only runs when a push button is pressed, without the use of a PLC? If this is not possible, what other options are available to achieve this functionality?
We are planning to use it for homing purposes, so the operator must keep pushing the button while homing the robot. If the operator releases the button while homing, the robot should stop immediately.

i am using IRC5 with serial number 14M-50275.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Hi Khizar, 

    That sounds interesting, and could probably work. 
    If your program is partway through executing a movement and a user presses this button, should it interrupt the program where it is, or wait for the movement to finish?

    A trap routine is sometimes called an interrupt routine because it 'interrupts' the program execution to do something else when the program is executing. The interrupt can be caused by a change in digital or analog IO, a change in persistent value, an error etc. The program executes the Trap routine code, then the program pointer goes back to where it was before, depending on the implementation.

    This is the best way I can think of. It isn't perfect but here is the example code:

    MODULE MainModule
    	VAR errnum en_GoHome:= -1;
    	VAR intnum in_Sen1;
    	PERS num n_HomeRegister := 3;
    	VAR bool b_GoHome := FALSE;
    	PERS jointtarget jt_StopPoint:=[[0,0,0,0,0,0],[287.559,2315.43,0,287.559,9E+9,0]];
    	VAR pathrecid pri_Stopped;
    	PROC Main()
    		! get an error number
    		BookErrNo en_GoHome;
    		! Connect trap to routine
    		CONNECT in_Sen1 WITH trp_Sen1;
    		! Connect trap to digital input
    		ISignalDI sen1, 2, in_Sen1;
    		! Main execution
    			! Movement 1
    			n_HomeRegister := 1;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,3250,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			! Movement 2
    			n_HomeRegister := 2;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[1000,0,0,1000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[1000,3250,0,1000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			! Movement 3
    			n_HomeRegister := 3;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[3000,0,0,3000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[3000,3250,0,3000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		! Check error number
    		CASE en_GoHome: ! Error is for homing
    			HomingSequence; ! Execute homing required and repoisiton
    			b_GoHome := FALSE; ! Homing is now done
    			! Get user to stop pushing button and resume program
    			TPWrite "Robot returned to program position.";
    			TPWrite "Let go of button and push play";
    			StartMoveRetry;	! Restart Program	
    	! Homing procedure
    	PROC HomingSequence()
    		! Store current move path
    		! Store stopped location
    		jt_StopPoint := CJointT();
    		! Check register and perform movement code required to home robot
    		TEST n_HomeRegister
    		CASE 1:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[6000,0,0,6000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		CASE 2:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[6000,0,0,6000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		CASE 3:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[6000,0,0,6000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			! Go straight home
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[6000,0,0,6000,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		! Robot is now home
    		TPWrite "Robot is home";
    		TPWrite "Push Play to return to stop position";
    		Stop; ! Push Play to restart
    		! Rewind homing movements
    		TEST n_HomeRegister
    		CASE 1:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		CASE 2:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		CASE 3:
    			MoveAbsJ [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,9E9,0]], vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    			! Went straight home, no movement to unwind
    		! Move back to stopped pose
    		MoveAbsJ jt_StopPoint, vmax, fine, TWeldGun_5845XL;
    		! Restore original path
    	! Trap routine to capture button input
    	TRAP trp_sen1
    		IF b_GoHome = FALSE THEN
    			IF sen1 = 1 THEN ! Button pushed
    				! Stop moving, raise the go home error
    				b_GoHome := TRUE;
    				RAISE en_GoHome;
    			ELSE ! Button released
    				! Do Nothing
    			IF sen1 = 1 THEN ! Button pushed
    				IF IsStopMoveAct(\FromMoveTask) THEN ! If the robot is stopped then start it
    			ELSE ! Button released
    	! Capture specific error and raise

    The robot performs movements and updates the register. When the button is pushed the program is interrupted with the trap routine which throws an error. The custom error is captured in the Main routine using error handling with long jump. The robot stops where it is, its current position is recorded, and it begins to move towards home. If the user lets go of the button at any point the robot stops, when they push it again it will keep moving until it is home and then it will stop at the home position and display a message. When the user pushed play again the program will resume as long as the button is held and the robot will execute reverse movements to go back to where it stopped. Once it is back where it stopped another message is displayed, the button can be released and if play is pressed the program should resume from where it left off.

    Hopefully this example code helps, let me know about any questions, it uses a few techniques but can be expanded for as many movements as needed. The move commands were examples I used for my system.\




  • Hi Khizar, 

    The code would have to be different depending on how many movements are involved, and if different homing movements are required from different positions, do you have any existing homing code, and how many movements are involved?
    It also depends where you want the program pointer to go after the movement is finished or if it is aborted by letting go of the button. 

    I think you could make use of trap routines to capture the input state changes.

  • Khizar
    edited February 2023
    hey harry,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I am attempting to work with the registers as the robot has 64 movements. Every time the robot moves, the number of the register changes.

    For example,
    IF Home_register =1 GOTO label_1;
    The homing code i want to run

    It has to perform the homing depending on the position it is in.
    The program has to start again where it stopped when we released the button.
    Can you please also explain a bit how the trap routines work?

    Best regards,
    Post edited by Khizar on
  • Hi Harry,

    Thank again for your reply. :)
    The program has to be interrupted right away.

    I will try to write my program this way and will let you know if it works.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Harry,

    The program you have written worked perfectly. i had to change some stuff here and there as we didn't want the robot to go back to the location it was when we homed.

    Thanks a lot for you help!

    Best regards,
  • Khizar
    edited February 2023
    Hi Harry,

    I have another problem now. Every time my trap completes its task, it generates an error 40229. When I check the events, no other errors are shown to indicate what could be wrong. However, I can start the program again without confirming the error, and it works as intended.
    This the code i am using:
         PROC Main()
            ! get an error number
            BookErrNo en_GoHome;
            ! Connect trap to routine
            CONNECT in_Homing WITH trp_DkHoming;
            ! Connect trap to digital input
            ISignalDI di3_Start_Homing, 2, in_Homing;
           WHILE TRUE DO  
                                      !Wis alle meldingen van de teachpanel
            Reset do25OnevenRijAangezogen;
            Reset do26EvenRijAangezogen;
            Reset do27Robot5MagVerplaatsen;
                                    !Programma selectie
            TEST giToolCode
            CASE 0:
            !Voer programma 1 uit, productie van mes met enkele rij zuignappen
            !Voer programma 2 uit, productie van vork met enkele rij zuignappen
            !Voer programma 3 uit, productie van lepel met enkele rij zuignappen
                TPWrite "Geen of verkeerd programma geselecteerd";
            ! Kijk error number
            TEST ERRNO
            CASE en_GoHome: ! Error voor homing
            Homing; ! Execute homing
            b_GoHome := FALSE; ! Homing is klaar
           ResetRetryCount ;
            TPWrite "Robot returned to home position.";
            !WaitUntil DI5_Start = 1;

            !Einde routine
            TRAP trp_DkHoming
            IF b_GoHome = FALSE THEN
            IF di3_Start_Homing = 1 THEN ! Button pushed
            ! Stop moving, raise the go home error
            b_GoHome := TRUE;
            RAISE en_GoHome;
            ELSE ! Button released
            ! Do Nothing
            IF di3_Start_Homing = 1 THEN ! Button pushed
            IF IsStopMoveAct(\FromMoveTask) THEN ! If the robot is stopped then start it
            ELSE ! Button released
            ! Capture specific error and raise
            ERROR (en_GoHome)
    Any idea what could be the reason behind it?

    Kind regards,

    Post edited by Khizar on
  • Forge_Engineering
    edited February 2023
    Hi Khizar,

    I'm glad it started working.
    It's hard to say, are there any other errors in the log that get registered at the same time? 
    There will likely be an error occurring from within the error handler somewhere that doesn't get dealt with as there is no error handler to deal with it; It is already in the main error handler so there is no error handler in the calling function as there is no calling function for Main.

    I think the first issue is that there is no instruction at the end of your error handler as to whether to Retry, Trynext, exit, raise etc. after the 'StartMove' instruction. 

    If the program was executing inside "proramma03;" or some subroutine, after the Main error handler the program pointer will be back at the "programma03;" line within Main.
    If you want it to retry that section you need to add "RETRY;" after the 'StartMove' instruction. 
    If you want to skip the section and continue in Main you need to add "TRYNEXT;" instead.
    If you want to go back to the start of main you can execute ExitCycle; which will move the program pointer back to the start too. 

    If it's not that, there could be an unhandled error in the homing routine, or in the error handler.
        ! Kijk error number
        TEST ERRNO
        CASE en_GoHome: ! Error voor homing
            Homing; ! Execute homing
            b_GoHome := FALSE; ! Homing is klaar
            ResetRetryCount ;
            TPWrite "Robot returned to home position.";
            !WaitUntil DI5_Start = 1;

            StartMove; !!!!!!!!!!!!
    If there has been no "StopMove" executed before it, it will throw an error that will not be handled.
    This can be fixed with:
    IF IsStopMoveAct(\FromMoveTask) THEN ! If the robot is stopped then start it

    Or if you don't need it at all you can remove it if the robot is already able to move. 

    Good Luck, 


  • Hi Harry,

    There were no other errors registered at the same time.

    I have been able to solve the problem. There was an issue with the error handling as I had placed a button within the error handler. This caused the program to stop when I pushed the homing button twice, as it was already in the process of handling the error.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Best regards,