Bug? Robot studio hangs when using smart component with Timer RS2022.3.1 and RS2022.3.2

I have a simple smartcomponent using the "Timer" component.
The timer worked well in all earlier versions until version 2022.2.

After upgrading to Robotstudio ver 2022.3.1 and later 2022.3.2
RobotStudio "hangs" when the timer has timed out.

Anyone else experienced this problem and possibly have a solution?

Last working version of RobotStudio is 2022.2



  • Hello Emil,

    This is a known issue.

    It's fixed in RS2023.1, which is due in one months time (21st of April).

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • Thanks for the swift reply Maxim.
    I tried searched information about the issue but couldn't find any.
    Happy to hear it will be fixed in next release.

  • Thx Maxim. had the same problem, just installed 2023.2.1, just to fix this. I have made a Ton and a Toff component, and i had to exchange them manually in every component. But now at least it seems to be working