How to Attach a Linesensor and a Wobj to a Mechanism


I'm trying to attach a wobj and a Linesensor to a Mechanism. Unfortunatly it does not work. Since there is just happing nothing, I don't know where the problem is. Any ideas?


         public override void OnLoad(SmartComponent component)
            Station stn = Project.ActiveProject as Station;
            if (stn != null)
                IEnumerable<ProjectObject> stationobjects = stn.GetAllObjects();
                foreach (ProjectObject po in stationobjects)
                    if (po.Name.Contains("wobj_1"))
                        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("Wobj_1 found: " + po.TypeDisplayName));
                        IAttachableChild wobj = po as IAttachableChild;
                        for (int i = 0; i < component.GraphicComponents.Count; i++)
                            Mechanism mech = component.GraphicComponents[i] as Mechanism;
                            if (mech != null)
                                if (mech.Name == "XYZ")
                                    Flange[] flange = mech.GetFlanges();
                                    foreach (Flange fl in flange)
                                        if (fl.Name == "XYZ_2") fl.Attach(wobj, false);


        public override void OnLoad(SmartComponent component)
                foreach (GraphicComponent gc in component.GetGraphicComponents())
                    if (gc.Name.Contains("LineSensor"))
                        Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("LineSensor found: " + gc.TypeDisplayName));
                        IAttachableChild ls = gc as IAttachableChild;
                        for (int i = 0; i < component.GraphicComponents.Count; i++)
                            Mechanism mech = component.GraphicComponents[i] as Mechanism;
                            if (mech != null)
                                if (mech.Name == "XYZ")
                                    Flange[] flange = mech.GetFlanges();
                                    foreach (Flange fl in flange)
                                        if (fl.Name == "XYZ_2") fl.Attach(ls, false);




  • Henry123
    edited June 2023
    I have found the reason why it does not work: The item where the Linesensor and the Wobj shall be attached to is a Library. Its necessary to disconnect it from the library first.

    Strange, because I haven't found any suggestion in the API documentation. Just trial and error.


    @ABB: It would be fine to get some kind of message in the Logger if the child can't be attached due to the fact, that the parent is a Library.