RobotStudio event

Robot Studio Crash when creating a station from a backup

When creating a station from a backup, Robot studio crashes. I am using RobotStudio 2023.1 (64-bit) Version 23.1.10349.0.

Backups from older robots open but not with the 2022 robots


  • I have the same problem. I tried to update to 2023.2.1 today but the problem is still there.
    Apparently the issue is not new but there is no answers in this forum.

  • Hello,
    Works well here with RW 6.14.01
    Do you have valid RS license?
    Can you do it with Options-Virtual Controller-Logging-To a console window, checked?

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • This could be caused by Installation Manager.exe being blocked by an anti-virus software on the PC.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer
  • My issue was cause by a new anti-virus software, if you are having this issue check your AV, it may be blocking something. Thanks for the clue Maxim, mine wasnt blocking the installation manager.exe but some other files.