[Bug Fix] Syntax checker in RAPID Editor should Check string length

DenisFR ✭✭✭
Writing a too long string (>80 chars) I get error:
String too long(141): The string RL3 is too long.
But only when applying in normal task or with Check Program.
In my case, I'm editing a background task module reloaded with P-Start.
So no way to get this error as module is simply not loaded.

Could Rapid Editor's syntax checker (red underline) report it?

☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group



  • mandolas
    edited July 2023
    It already occurred to me, when a string is concatenated to another it could overflow the maximum size.
    TpWrite "Ora: "+CTime()+"Data: "+CDate();
    In this case 'CRime()' and 'CDate()' return small strings, but for other cases you can have the sum of strings with more characters, which returns the error.
     ErrWrite "ERR_ALIASIO_TYPE",""
                    \RL2:="Signal types for FromSignal and ToSignal arguments are not the same"
                    \RL3:="(signalx). Instrução AliasIO."+msg;
    It does not generate an error when compiling, but if the instruction is executed there is a character limit.

    SOON ...
    ErrWrite "ERR_ALIASIO_TYPE",""
                   \RL2:="Signal types for FromSignal and ToSignal arguments are not the same"
                   \RL3:="(signalx). Instrução AliasIO."
    no errors.

    I hope it helps...
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    I don't want syntax checker verify variables length but at least static ones.
    The ones who make fail the module loading.

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group

  • +1
    Would be great!
    Swedish freelance ABB robot programmer
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Still Presents in 2024.2.1

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group