RobotStudio event

Porblem with ControllerExecutionState in MQTT publisher


I am using the MQTT publisher with the IoT Data gateway with Robotware 6.15.02. Everything is working fine except the varianle ControllerExecutionState, which always returns an empty value. To test this, I am using the template shown below, based on the help inormation from the manual.
		"Timestamp": "{{Now}}",
Any ideia of what might I been doing wrong? The idea was to use the ControllerExecutionState to know if the actual RAPID program is being executed or not.

Thanks and best regards,
HUgo Costelha


  • hcostelha
    In the meantime I am using "{{Rapid.Tasks.T_ROB1.ExecutionStatus}}", which is probably more what I want that the "ControllerExecutionStatus".