Problem with IRB660 robots in RS5

Hello -

I am trying to create a station and run a simulation with an existing program for IRB660 robot. Starting a system for the IRB660_180_315 and/or the IRB660_250_315 results in the following errors and messages:

IRB660_250_315__01_2: The number of joints is different between the library model and the controller configurations. 

IRB660_250_315__01_2: The limits of joint 1 were updated to system values because it differed between system and station model limits. 


The limits according to the Mechanism Joint Jog screen is +/- 300 before the system is started/created. Creating a station from the template(s) causes +/-180 on joint 6 when the system starts.

When you try to create a system using the IRB660_250_315 it comes up with many errors and references to an IRB640 robot. Angry

Please provide corrected libraries and/or template systems for the IRB660 robots.



Thomas J2007-6-14 21:36:51
Thomas H. Johnston
PACs Application Engineer


  • Hello Thomas,

    The message about "number of joints..." you can ignore. The reason for this message is that the RS 660 model has four joints, but the controller has six (but two of them are locked and not used). The RS model will work correct anyhow.

    Your other problems depends on a bug in RS 5.08 image.

    The good thing is that this is fixed in RS 5.09, that will be released and ready for download next week  image.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics