IO/Configrator RS2023.2 ProfiNet Device

edited August 2023 in RobotStudio
Network scan ProfiNet device is found, blink/flash device works

INDUSOL service tool
Network scan ProfiNet device is found, blink/flash device works

IO/Configrator RS2023.2
Network scan ProfiNet device is found, blink/flash device does not work (nothing happens)

Right click "Add as" is mostly gray only sometimes you can add the found device After manual addition, error 71503 (ProfiNet station name wrong) always occurs after restart. Station name is "bec-01"

What the reason for  "Add as" mostly gray/inactive? GSDM-Files are correctly imported

Can someone confirm that a configuration of a ProfiNet device is possible with IO/Configrator RS2023.2.

Thank you.


  • daniel72
    edited August 2023
    If internal profinet device part is not used (robot acts only as controller not as device for a plc) the stationname keeps empty because it will not set by plc. This cause error 71503.

    you have to assign a station name yourself.

    the station name has to be assigned in the device section and not in the controller section of the IO configurator. The station name  in Device Section acts as the name of the controller in this special case.

    Flashing a device from the IO configurator still doesn't work for me!?