After motionsupervision cannot restore automatic mode

When MotionSupervision occurs because of robot crash I am trying to start the robot and home it, sometimes it takes several tries but the robot gets unstuck and goes to home position. But I guess after more serious crashes if I try to start the robot the PP to main is being rejected. Then the robot is jogged out in manual but afterwards the system doesn't let to set automatic mode again.

Showing the warning:
"The Automatic mode acknowledge was rejected by the controller.
Please enter Manual mode and reset all conditions that will be affected when entering automatic mode.
To cancel, switch back to MANUAL."

But if prior jogging the robot PPtoMain is not pulsed from PLC then it is possible to start in automatic. 
Which additional conditions should be reset?


  • What version of robotware is it running?  What are these conditions that must be reset?  Is there simulated IO, motion supervision turned off, program pointer moved into a routine other than main?  Finally, if the robot has been put into manual mode and jogged, why does the person performing those actions NOT also perform a PP to Main before turning the mode back into automatic?
    Lee Justice
  • It is a MultiMove system with conveyor tracking 
    Controller is sending 20409: PP to Main rejected (program is running, no main procedure) Although everything is met and also any external forces after motionsupervision are also removed after jogging
    There are no simulated IO
    Motion supervision is on, but tuned to MotionSup\On\TuneValue:=150;
    Crashes are generally during conveyor tracking place, PP is moved around place program, could be inside place trap
    PP to Main is ordered from system inputs via PLC and if robot is in manual mode it is not logical to operate it. 
    I was trying to error handle motion supervision so there would be no need to jog it but it was not working possibly due to PP being in another procedure.
  • Look inside your event logs, Motion topic in particular. Look for a warning or error that says that motion planning or something similar cannot be resumed upon restart. There are times when certain conditions are in effect, that you cannot resume the program from the stopped point. PPtoMain will never work in manual mode, that is why I asked why the operator, the human, is not doing PPtoMain before switching back into auto. Also, PPtoMain, as the error tells you, is rejected in auto when the program is executing. The PLC must first issue a stop system input, followed by PPtoMain when the program is no longer executing.
    Lee Justice
  • I think that the term I was looking for is "restart not possible" in your event logs.
    Lee Justice
  • NES
    edited September 2023
    The situation was resolved.

    The solution depends on severity of the crash. If robot hit the obstacle and the forces are minor robot can automatically handle the situation. However after the serious crash the situation is a bit trickier. 

    Minor crash
    The thing was when the robot has collided during its path to a robtarget, it will stop, motion retract to unload residual forces pressing on the tool/arm system.
    It is possible that the program can handle a collision as long as it has retracted and stays external force free. Clear the ongoing motion and move to another path. 
    If trying to continue the program now, it will continue its interrupted path that still is in the motion. So the path should be cleared with instruction "ClearPath", "ProcerrRecovery" (Generate and recover from process-move error) can be used to raise asynchronous error and references it to required procedure error handler.

    Major crash
    On the other hand, the robot is not always able to retract from a serious crash since the forces are too high and there is a pressure on the manipulator. The old path should still be deleted (example PPtoMain) and the operator needs to jog the robot away from the obstacle. In some cases (application is quite simple and there is a low possibility to hit another devices during Homing) it is possible to use Collision Detection [613-1] option to decrease robot sensitivity to the residual forces during robot Homing procedure after PP to Main. So there would be no need for manual intervention.

    Worth mentioning that the application must work without collisions that will damage the robot with tool and peripheral equipment in the long run. 

    Previously I was trying to restart the robot with PPtoMain after the crash since it was sometimes able to retract from the obstacle but when the crash was harder after several restarts the robot controller locked out and even after manually jogging out refused to enter Auto mode forcing to restart the controller.

    Hope these fixes will help someone else also.