Backup without robot connection

Hello everyone,

my customer has bought an old IRC5 and would like to have the existing program changed. Unfortunately, he currently has no way of connecting the controller and robot to each other, but would like to provide me with a backup of the system.
Since I've never had a problem like this before, I wanted to ask briefly whether you see any problems when you connect the controller without a connection to the robot and then take a backup.

Best regards and thanks in advance.


  • It should boot up, but it will be in a system failure state.  Even in that state, one should be able to make a backup.  There might be UAS set up on it preventing the default user from making aa backup.  In that case it will be difficult.  When the robot does finally get connected, rev counters will need to be updated.  Finally, do the robot and controller have matching serial numbers?
    Lee Justice