axis bounds different in Robot studio

Hi all, IRB 1400 with IRC5.
We have an issue with upper and lower bounds.
Axis 4, in the MOC file, upper and lower bounds of 3.49066
In Robot Studio, that gives me +/- 200 degree jog movement
But in the actual cell, the teach pendant only shows +/- 175 degree movement.

Similar in axis 5, RS shows +/- 120 degree but the actual robot only offers +/- 116 degrees.
But Axis 6 is fine both show +/- 400 degrees

I have checked on a different IRB1400 here and that seems fine, RS and the teach pendant are both the same.

I have been through the MOC file but can't see anything wrong

Can anyone shed any light on this? Any ideas?


  • Have you checked if there are worldzones active? It is a module in system or user directory.
    Joerg Vogel
    Hochschule Hannover
    University of Applied Sciences and Arts
    IRB120 - RW5.61, RW6.13 - IRC5 compact

  • I have a Home world zone set up, but I can't see how that can affect the max rotation limits???
    We will comment out the module and try it though
  • We commented out the world zone and it made no difference
  • 3.49066 radians =
    200.000086 degrees

    Can you paste the arm section of the MOC file here?
    Systemintegrator - Web / C# / Rapid / Robotstudio

    If I helped, please press Vote Up  :smile:

    ☑️2024 - RobotStudio® User Group
  • This is my Moc file for Arm

     -name "rob1_1" -use_arm_type "ROB1_1" -use_acc_data "rob1_1"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_1" -upper_joint_bound 2.87979\
          -lower_joint_bound -2.87979 -upper_joint_bound_max 2.87979\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -2.87979

          -name "rob1_2" -use_arm_type "ROB1_2" -use_acc_data "rob1_2"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_2" -upper_joint_bound 1.65806\
          -lower_joint_bound -1.22173 -upper_joint_bound_max 1.65806\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -1.22173

          -name "rob1_3" -use_arm_type "ROB1_3" -use_acc_data "rob1_3"\
          -use_check_point "rob1_3" -use_customer_arm_load "WeldMotor"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_3" -upper_joint_bound 2.70526\
          -lower_joint_bound -0.523599 -upper_joint_bound_max 2.70526\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -0.523599 -upper_joint_coupl_bound 1.0472\
          -lower_joint_coupl_bound -1.13446

          -name "rob1_4" -use_arm_type "ROB1_4" -use_acc_data "rob1_4"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_4" -upper_joint_bound 3.49066\
          -lower_joint_bound -3.49066 -upper_joint_bound_max 1260\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -1260

          -name "rob1_5" -use_arm_type "ROB1_5" -use_acc_data "rob1_5"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_5" -upper_joint_bound 2.0944\
          -lower_joint_bound -2.0944 -upper_joint_bound_max 2.0944\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -2.0944

          -name "rob1_6" -use_arm_type "ROB1_6" -use_acc_data "rob1_6"\
          -use_arm_calib "rob1_6" -upper_joint_bound 6.98132\
          -lower_joint_bound -6.98132 -upper_joint_bound_max 1260\
          -lower_joint_bound_min -1260

          -name "M7DM1" -use_arm_type "M7DM1" -use_acc_data "M7DM1"\
          -upper_joint_bound 16 -lower_joint_bound -16

          -name "M8DM1" -use_arm_type "M8DM1" -use_acc_data "M8DM1"\
          -upper_joint_bound 16 -lower_joint_bound -16

    I don't know what the max bound values are, what they are measured in, why its gone from 3.49066 to 1260.
    But we changed the max bound to 3.49066 and it didn't max any difference.
    Axis 5 has the max bound the same as the joint bound and its still out

    Axis 4, 
    In Robot Studio, that gives me +/- 200 degree jog movement
    But in the actual cell, the teach pendant only shows +/- 175 degree movement.

    Axis 5, 
    In Robot Studio, that gives me +/- 120 degree jog movement
    But in the actual cell, the teach pendant only shows +/- 116 degree movement.

    Axis 6, 
    In Robot Studio, that gives me +/- 400 degree jog movement
    and in the actual cell, the teach pendant agrees with +/- 400 degree movement.

  • Min and max values are hidden by the control. Their purpose is to keep less educated users from eliminating boundaries. 
    Yours seem very different from their purpose. The only way I know of to change them is to edit (VERY CAREFULLY, system failure is a definite possibility) the moc.cfg file and reload it.
    The values are likely to be radians.