option 841-1 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter

edited November 2023 in Robot Controller
the ABB manual on Ethernet-IP says;
In order for the internal EtherNet/IP scanner to be used, the
IRC5 controller with option 841-1 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter must be installed

I have two robots (RW 6.14.x) here that were provided by IKEA. They have ABB DSQC1030 I/O units installed wich are preconfigured as Ethernet IP device:


      -Name "GRIPPER" -VendorName "ABB Robotics" -ProductName "DSQC1030"\
      -Label "ABB Local I/O Device" -Address "" -VendorId 75\
      -ProductCode 29 -DeviceType 12 -OutputAssembly 100 -InputAssembly 101\
      -ConfigurationAssembly 102 -InputConnectionType "POINT2POINT"\
      -ConnectionPriority "SCHEDULE" -OutputSize 2 -InputSize 2\
      -ConfigurationSize 8\
      -ConfigurationData00 "01 02 09 10 01 08 10 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"\
      -O2T_RPI 40000 -T2O_RPI 40000

The I/O units work without any problems.
In the System.xml I can't find the 841-1 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter option or any other Ethernet IP option!?
In RobotStudio/System/change options: 841-1 EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter  ist not active in options list

It seems that to operate the robot as an EthernetIP scanner/adapter the option 41-1 EtherNet/IP scanner/adapter is not required?
So EthernetIP device seems to be free of charge - that would be interesting for further projects.

Why is there the option 841-1 if you don't seem to need it?
Does it only work for free with ABB device (DSQC1030)  or are there any other limitations?

Thank You



  • Hello Daniel,

    Only ABB devices such as the DSQC1030 can be used without the EthernetIP Scanner/Adapter option i.e. to use third party devices it must be present in the system.