Fatal Error defining Mechanism Poses


I created my own mechanism on RS 5.08, but I had a Fatal Error message while I was defining the mechanism poses.

I've tried to generate a new mechanism, I've got an example from the forum and the same problem again.


Thiago Ramos Falcao
Robotics - BIW Brasil


  • Hi,

    Me too.  Tried to do a device type mechanism.  all the nodes were green, but when i compiled it, the program crashed!!

  • Hi,

    Are you running Win2000?

    Creating poses will not be possible when running Win2000 due to a limitation, it should however work fine on WinXP. Note that RS5.08 is the final release of RS that will support Win2000.

    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg 
    ABB Automation Technologies 
    Best regards,
    Anders Jahnberg
    ABB Robotics
  • Hello Anders.

    Yes, I'm still running Win 2K... It takes me a lot of time to upgrade for Win XP...

    As I need to run RS, so I won't have other way but upgrading to Win XP...

    I will try to generate this mechanism on a computer running Win XP...


    Thiago Ramos Falcao.

    Body-in-White (BIW) - ABB Robotics Brazil

    Thiago Ramos Falcao
    Robotics - BIW Brasil