Safemove II tool

Is it possible to activate a tool without having any safe io:s?
// Björn


  • You have to have safe IO to activate a tool to maintain the safety rating of the system.

    Now with that said, from a technicality stand point, there are some work arounds that are very inefficient, not safe, and should not be used. They should not be done for any reason...

    so you will not do the following:
    create zones that the robot enters every time it picks up tool 1 vs tool 2 and so on. You can create global signals inside of the safe IO configurator that turn on when the robot enters a specific zone. Using that global signal connected to the EDGE command inside of prelogic will let you latch that signal on. Using a global signal attached to the edge command to select the tool you need. 

    This will not be a safety rated system and is not much different than using the world zones on the robot, so do not do anything safety rated with this method. I believe I have made that as clear as I possibly could.