Is it safe to connect with an older Robotstudio version?

On our company we use VMware quite a lot, and right now we have Robotstudio 2019 installed in that Image.
I am working to have it updated to a newer version, but in the meantime:

When I try to connect to a robot with RW6.15.01 i get this message:
"The Robotware version is newer than the version officially supported by this release of Robotstudio. This may result in unexpected behavior or lost data.
Do you want to connect anyway?" Then "Yes" or "no"

My question is:
Do I risk altering anything in the robot controller if I click yes?
Or does it only affect what I can see and do in Robotstudio?

People who use this VMware-image gets the freemium version of Robotstudio 2019, and usually only use it to take backups, check the event log and such.




  • I asked a service technician from ABB who gave the answer "With 90% certainty, it will NOT alter anything in the robot controller. Not unless you press "Request write access" and actually do any changes".