MultiMove Task Modules Display in Code Editor: A Simple Survey :)

edited June 2024 in OmniCore
Dear OmniCore users,

I am a UX Designer working on improving code editor. I would like to do some research about displaying multiple task modules in the code editor and hope to get some insight from you. Currently, Omnicore displays and mixes all modules from different tasks in one code editor, while IRC5 can have multiple program editors to display different tasks. We would like to know more about user preferences and habits so that we can improve it. Could you fill out the simple questionnaire or leave your comment here? If you have any question, feel free to contact me via message or Thank you very much!

A Simple Survey: Click here :)

What we want to know is about:

  • How many robot tasks do you usually have in the code editor?

  • Do you want to see all the modules from different tasks in one code editor (Omnicore's current solution), or do you want to see modules from different tasks in different editors (similar to IRC5's solution)?

  • If each task can have an editor for programming, how necessary is it to switch quickly between different tasks ? 

Your feedback is valuable for us!

Best regards,

Post edited by xuanling on