I want to use SEARCHL to check two points in a line

I am using a circular saw on my robot. I am cutting a straight line. My problem is that my product is not always level. I want to use searchL to probe the left height and then move to the right corner and use searchL to check that height.
The cut is 8 feet long. I can do this in two points. I just have to know the height of both points before I cut.
Maybe SEARCHL is the wrong tool?


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    It doesn't sound like it would be wrong for what you have described.  What do you have to use as your search sensor?
    Lee Justice
  • I was planning on attaching two prox sensors to the part. One on the left and one on the right. My hope is that I could write a subroutine that would touch the saw blade on both sensors. Then I would put the Pdispon L for the Left and then turn off and do Pdispon R for the Right. I am not sure how to capture the offset information and if it saves so I could call it up in my routine. 
    So, if my Left "Z" is 20 mm lower then my taught Left Robtarget and my right "Z" is 10 mm lower then my Right Robtarget the my saw will adjust

  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    If you are moving slowly enough in the search you ought not make contact with the switch provided that the sensing distance is sufficient.  I am mentioning this because a prox sensor's longevity could be shortened by repeated contact with a saw blade.
    I you make at least one more search you could calculate the offset or workobject to use for adjustment.
    Lee Justice
  • I need a little more explanation. Are you saying use 3 prox sensors? Left / Middle / Right?
    I am a confused on how to write the program for this. What I am trying to do is do my offsets via the SEARCHL and PDisp
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    The third would not be in that same line.  Look for DefDFrame function in the Rapid manuals for starters.  
    Lee Justice