Robot Arm won’t go past 5% Speed

Hello. The robot in question hasn’t been used in roughly a month and a half- two months, because of product demand. however, the lays it was operating with was set up and the robot was brought back online. I never run at 100% the first time going into the machine, especially when it’s been down for a while. So I put it at 5%. It picked the part fine loaded the part fine unloaded my other part. Fine brought the part to the airbox brought the part to the stencil, and then offloaded it and went back to home. However, anytime I try to increase the speed higher. It gives me an a 20450 event message. SC 1CBC Speed exceeded. anyone have any clue on how to reset this and or bypass it? We did recently have an electrical outage.


  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2024
    The alarm should have a list of remedies for resolving the problem.  I am going to guess that you need to run a Cyclic Break Check.
    Lee Justice
  • DenisFR
    DenisFR ✭✭✭
    Maybe you have to re-synchronize SafeMove. You can check its status in menu.

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