RobotStudio event

Conveyor 4 point calibration with IRC5

Could anyone explain what are the steps to calibrate the 'CountsPerMeter' and base coordinate system of a conveyor using the IRC5 Flexpendant. How are the points in the 4-point method defined?


  • Hi!

    For counts per meter:

    QueueTracking Distance of 0.0 m.
    Move an object past the sync switch and stop the conveyor. Read the conveyor position from
    the Jog Window, position_1. Move the conveyor at least 1 meter and read the Jog Window,
    position_2. The accuracy will be best if this distance is large as possible within the workspace.
    Use a tape-measure (or differences in robot tool position) to find the exact number of meters
    from position_1 to position_2, call this value measured_meters.
    The counts per meter are calculated:

    counts per meter = (position1-position2)*10000/meters_you_have_measured_between

    Enter the correctly calculated counts per meter into the I/O configuration for the Encoder
    Interface Unit CountsPerMeter.

    For 4 points:

    you need an object in the conveyor. You wait it with the WaitWobj instruction. When the object passes the sync switch you have the object connected. Then stop the conveyor and  Point out Point 1 on the object on the conveyor with the robot's TCP. Then in Base Frame 4 points modify the position by pressing the function key - ModPos. Move the conveyor in the positive direction and repeat the above for the points Point
    2, Point 3 and Point 4.

    Advice: Point out to the same object with the TCP, you get more accurary.

    Hope it helps!!