RobotStudio event

Picking power Pack Ribbon not showing in RS 2024


I'm using RS 2024.1

I downloaded the picking powerpac from RobotStudio downloads - RobotStudio Suite | ABB

I went through the steps as indicated in the manual and first installed RS, then Virtual Pickmaster and finally Picking PowerPac.

When I click on the "Picking" Add-in in RS, Ii get the following Error in the output window:  

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at PickMasterPP.UI.TabPickMaster.InitTab()
   at PickMasterPP.UI.UIManager.InitRibbonTabs()
   at PickMasterPP.UI.UIManager.InitUI()

virtual Pickmaster opens, however the ribbon isnt visible.

Please let me know what I am missing in my installation.

thank you


  • Hello!

    My advice would be to compare versions first.

    If the versions are the same and the issue persists, please reach out to your local ABB and report the issue.

    Maxim Riabichev
    PC Software Support Engineer