fighting with RobotStudio changing configurations

Maybe it's because I'm using a 7-axis robot or maybe I'm too close to singularities or robot limits but it happens all the time: I teach a target with the right configuration add some more targets and movements and find out later that somehow RobotStudio changes the robot configurations of some of the targets. Let's say I teach this target:  (I couldn't embed an image... don't know why)

and after an hour of work simulating and adding RAPID code, I end up noticing the robot reaches that target with a different configuration:

And there's no way I can correct it because target|configuration doesn't show the original configuration anymore. Nor I know why or when it changed. All I can do I delete the target and re-create it with the desired configuration.

I'm a newbie so maybe I'm doing some stupid mistakes but working with RobotStudio is becoming more and more frustrating. Is there some way to know when a target configuration changes or why? Is there a way to avoid this unpredictable behaviour or to fix a target?
