RobotStudio event

Localization problem (FP SDK 5.08)



In the past, I localized succesfully some Flexpendant applications developed with RAB 5.07. Now I'm working with RAB 5.08 and I have noticed that the mechanism is slightly different.

I have followed the manual to the letter but I can't get it to work: no matter what the language is on the Flexpendant, I always get the default texts.

I have paid especial attention to the naming in all steps (namespace, language codes, etc). When I compile, I get all files and folders as expected.

I am using RAB 5.08.1004 and RW 5.08.2007.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am stuck with this problem and my customers are waiting for the localized version of the application...!

Thanks in advance,


Yolanda Casas


  • olov

    I'm afraid that the documentation regarding localization is not entirely clear, but it is crucial to be very precise with naming and namespaces as you mention.

    The key is to get the post-build step to generate the resource assembly.

    The post-build step should look like something like this:

    mkdir ....language
    mkdir ....languagees
    mkdir ....languagees ps
    del *.resources
    del *.dll
    if exist (
    al /t:lib / /culture:en /out:TpsViewXTexts.resources.dll
    copy TpsViewXTexts.resources.dll ..languagees psTpsViewXTexts.resources.dll)
    cd ..

    'resgen' and 'al' are two separate commands. In this example the localized resource file '' is located in the folder 'es'. The localized resource assembly 'TpsViewXTexts.resources.dll', generated by these commands, is created in this folder.

    In order to successfully run the post-build command, Visual Studio 2005 should be launched from the VS 2005 command prompt with the command devenv (see below). This will make sure that the environment is setup correctly, so that the correct versions of resgen.exe and al.exe are used in the post-build. 

    Another recommendation is to set the property "Build Action" to "None" for the localized .resx files in Visual Studio. Normally this is set to "Embedded Resource" and will make VS to generate the resource assembly (with the same name but in a different folder). However, this assembly cannot be used, since it has an incorrect base name. Set "Build Action" to "None" to prevent VS to create this file, to avoid any mix up of files. 

    I hope this reduces the confusion somewhat...


  • The documentation describing how to add multi-language support to a FlexPendant application has now been improved. The enclosed document should help you get it right. Copy the chm-file to your local disk to be able to view it.

    Ingela2007-11-12 13:50:53
    Best regards,

    Ingela Brorsson
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics, Sweden