Force sensor mass, center of mass and moments of interia


We are doing some tests where, for now, we just have the ABB's force sensor attached. We wanted to configure the tool to consider only the mass, center of mass and moments of inertia of the sensors (the only attached to the sensor), but we could not find that information anywhere.

This is the 3HAC046093-001 (F165N D90MM LC).

Using FCLoadId and FCCalib is not helpful, because it would measure what is attached to the sensor, not the sensor itself.

Any idea where I can get that information?

Thanks and best regards,
Hugo Costelha


  • If you weigh the sensor and the adaptor plate, then mount mount it on the robot you can run the LoadID routine (under call routine in the debug menu in the program editor). You get a better result if you can input the mass.
  • If you weigh the sensor and the adaptor plate, then mount mount it on the robot you can run the LoadID routine (under call routine in the debug menu in the program editor). You get a better result if you can input the mass.
    Thanks for the comment, but LoadID relates with the load that is attached to the sensor, it does not include the sensor. At least that is what I understood from the documentation, particularly given that they indicate that in such situation the computed load should be near zero.
  • You can run it for tool or load
  • You can run it for tool or load
    Thanks for you reply, but I don't understand what you mean. FCLoadID does not any argument related to tool vs load, neither the IRB1200 (where we are using the sensor) has any way of determining data related to the sensor itself. That is, the sensor can only measure what it attached to it, right? It cannot measure itself, or does it?

    Can you clarify your suggestion?
  • This is the standard loadID routine for all 6 axis robots, used for any tool or load on the robot.