RobotStudio event

Creating a safe path around a zone

Hello, first time posting with a question. I'm programming a station that will pick a part, place it in a nest for a glue process, inspect the part, then place it back in the nest, in reject, or in a sample tray.

The robot I'm using is an IRB 910INV Scara with an OmniCore C30 controller. 
I don't have access to the full suite of simulation software, only the free version of RS2024.

My question is:  The glue pen is mounted below the robot, and will need to be able to move to the points around that pen without ever traveling through it, or through the space on the other side of the pen outside of the station. I know I can create a box zone around the pen to prevent the robot from moving or turn on an output if it enters that zone, but is the existence of that zone enough to prevent the robot from moving through that space? ie: if I said make a joint move from Pick to Glue, or from Samples to Glue, does the existence of the zone around the glue pen make the robot choose a path that doesn't go through it, or will I need to make additional points to control its path?

I had considered using the MovePnP instruction for this, but it seemed to imply the path on the horizontal plane was generated by the robot with the focus being on speed, rather than another argument I could adjust the shape of. 

So I guess this breaks into a few questions:
- Does the existence of the zone around the glue pen make the robot choose a path that doesn't go through it?
- Is it best to make additional points around the pen to prevent a collision?
- Is there an instruction, or set of instructions for avoiding an area when calculating a move?