Training Exercise 6.4.1( RS5.08.01)


The training exercise 6.4.1 in the RS5.08 training manual, requires the creation of multimove synchronized paths using 2 X IRB1410's around a pipe rotated by positioner.

Allthough the paths are created the welding guns pass through the centre pipe.

I have tried to apply constraints to the joints and TCP but the problem still exists. I have moved the start positions as suggested in exercise and even the robot base frames.

It would be good if you could specify that the gun/ robot cant pass through the pipe... a bit like the flexi pipe addin in RS 3.2

Has anyone got this exercise to work correctly? if so how?


  • Hi

    Got it working, but only when welding guns are under the pipe part. Changing the start  position seems to be very-very sensitive to outcome. trial and error i guess.