What changes with Supervision?

I am currently using YuMi (IRB-14000). I would like to know how the behavior of YuMi changes when the settings are changed from RobotStudio. I think that you can change the status of each joint of the left and right arms by opening "Motion" → "Arm" in RobotStudio, but I would like to know about the four items in the changeable status, "Jam Supervision Trim Factor", "Load Supervision Trim Factor", "Speed ​​Supervision Trim Factor", and "Position Supervision Trim Factor". The default is "1", and does increasing the value change the tolerance for collisions of each corresponding axis? What is the difference between each of the four items (especially Jam Supervision Trim Factor and Speed ​​Supervision Trim Factor)? I would like to know the meaning of the above four statuses, how they change by changing the values, and if there are any precautions or disadvantages for use. Also, if there are any documents that I should refer to, please let me know.