Mismatch between backup and the current system when restoring backup


We are trying to set up a new SD card for one of our paint robots. There seems to be an issue with software versions, maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

Robot: IRB5400
Controller: IRC5P
RobotWare Version: (6.05.01 Build 1049)
IPS Version:
Custom Paint Application: 1.00.0000
Robot Studio Version: 24.1.10713.1 (Licence: Basic)
SD Card: 3HAC047284-003 (2GB)

We created a controller backup using RobotStudio, then selected it within the Installation Manager 6 to create a recovery disk.

When booting the robot controller with the new disk, we get these error messages:
- Diagnostics: 7 IPS configuration files could not be loaded into the PIB
- 133270 - Failed to update IPS parameters. IPS failed to update IPS parameter values after reconnect of IPS agent connections. The update was initiated after the IPS agents have been lost for any reason, typically caused by a purge fault. The system must be restarted to ensure all parameters are set with correct values.

When trying to restore the very backup the new disk was created with, RobotStudio shows the following message: There is a mismatch between the backup and the current system. The backup originates from a system with different RobotWare version, or from a system with different options or keys. Do you want to restore anyway? (Yes/No)

The same message is shown when trying to restore a backup on a virtual controller (created in RobotStudio, settings automatically imported from said backup)

One more thing: In RobotStudio, the oldest IPS Application version to download is 4.60.10, so we got our older version from a contact at ABB and included the files in the package folder. RobotStudio seems to recognize those files without an issue.

Any help is greatly aprecciated



  • Sounds like you did the right thing in getting the matching IPS version.  What about that custom Paint application you listed?  Is it in your mediapool?  Addins usually come with their own site license to add those packages.
    Lee Justice
  • That sounds like something i need to look into. Since all our robots' custom paint application versions are described as "1.00.0000", RobotStudio might just not pick the right one (i guess they are'nt identical to each other). Not sure if i ever included one of those files in the first place. I'm not at work this week, but ill' get back to you as soon as possible!
  • Sadly i haven't really had any success looking into the custom paint application versions.
    I took the custom paint application file that was included on one of our robot's CDs and replaced the existing file in the AddIn folder. Then i created a virtual controller for that exact robot and was very careful to confirm all the software versions, if possible linking to the files on the CD. If i understand correctly, the license files are included in the backup and were already found by Robview. 
    Same result as before: When restoring the very same backup, i get notified about some kind of mismatch.

    I have also asked someone who formerly worked for ABB for help. He told me that there might be some IPS files missing from the backup, and that there might be some kind of backup that includes more IPS stuff, but he wasn't able to find a way to confirm that. I'm only aware of creating general backups using the Teach Pendant or Robotstudio.

    One more thing i noticed: When we booted the robot controller after having swapped the SD Card, the diagnosis window on the teach pendant showed that seven files of the IPS configuration could not be loaded to the PIB. We get the same message with our current card, but only one file is reported missing.

    I'm not really sure where to go from here. Any ideas? Thanks again :)
  • Look on that CD that you mentioned for an install executable.  With other custom site licenses it would have such a thing to put all the correct files in their necessary directories so that when I built a system and included that license key it would have everything needed where it belonged.  Try making a new system rather than from backup, using the license keys that you have.
    Lee Justice
  • I checked the CD again, but the executable only offers installation of software like RobotStudio, RobView and IPS OPC server. 
    Regarding the license, it states in the menu that "the Installation Manager only requires a license file for RobotWare, not for the paint specific add-ins" and then links to the license key folder on the CD.

    Additionally, for IPS versions below IPS4.60.03, it says that a designated license file needs to be copied to HOME\ipsdata\node1. Even though our IPS version is newer, i also tried that without success.

    Making a new system rather than one from a backup file yielded the same results. I compared every version number and checkbox between the real controller and the virtual one, both when creating the system by backup or manually.

    To be sure it's not a problem with that one robot, i tried setting up a virtual controller for another robot. The results were the same.

    I whish RobotStudio would show me where the mismatch between the controller and the backup is, instead of just saying that there is one.

    By the way: Is there a difference between RobotWare and RobotWare 6.05.1049? I stumbled upon both versions in the same controller. Could that be an issue?

    Thank you!
  • lemster68
    lemster68 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2024
    I think there is no difference, one is the official version control number and the other is the build number.  However, you made me think about trying an older version of robotstudio to build your system.  Have you tried 6.05 or a little higher to build the system?
    Lee Justice
  • lemster68 said:
    I think there is no difference, one is the official version control number and the other is the build number.
    Okay, that sounds plausible.

    lemster68 said:
    Have you tried 6.05 or a little higher to build the system?
    Yes, i tried RobotStudio version 6.05.01 from the CD. It made no difference.

  • That is a bummer.  Paint stuff can be so obscure.
    Lee Justice
  • After many hours of looking for a solution, this is what i learned:

    • "7 IPS configuration files could not be loaded into the PIB" when booting from new SD Card:
    I must have used a wrong configuration file when creating the boot medium. In RobotStudio, the IPS Configuration of my previous attempts included options like a bell atomizer. Also, in the "HOME/ipsdata" directory, there were more nodes listed than usual. Can't tell where the configuration file came from, but I was able to replace it with one that finally worked. That means I successfully created a working SD Card for our Robot.
    • Notification "There is a mismatch between the backup and the current system":
    The other thing i learned was that i don't need to worry about the "mismatch" message when restoring a backup on a newly created disk. I compared backups from the same robot but different SD Cards. The only difference were in the "system.guid" and "controller info". The configuration was exactly the same. So I simply created a backup from the new disk which won't be recognized as being a mismatch in the future.

    Maybe this helps anyone having similar issues.

    Thanks again for your support :)