RobotStudio event

System Input - Limit Speed

edited August 19 in IRC5
Is it possible to define more than 1 Limit speed input? If yes, how do you set the system output? I'd like to create multiple zones in safemove to use different speeds, basically slower closer to the light curtain. 


  • Hey CRom11, i solved it with the "VelSet" function. Just request your SafeZone Signal on a BG Task and if the Robot is in the zone get VelSet on the Value you like to have. If you dont want to change the Override speed you can limit the TCP speed with "SpeedLimCheckPoint".


    Robotic Software Engineer
  • Thanks Braap,
    ended up doing something similar. Because I don't have multitask I had to use interrupts and monitor digital input for the zone I needed and using VelSet update the speed and use 'limit speed' system output as safemove condition to monitor the speed. A little longwinded but without this safemove stopped the robot occasionally