RobotStudio event

SCADA Vision Explorer / CBGrid VB6

Hi, I'm programming in visual basic 6, and i'm creating a new form. I have used the ABB component called CBGrid, which is basically a standard grid, that allows for SQL queries to update the contents of the grid table. This component CBGrid is part of the iVision pack and works with ABBs SCADA Vision Explorer.

Another component available is called CBAlarmSummary. And is like CBGrid, but allows a 'Jump To...' ability, so that when the user clicks on the grid it jumps to the referenced form associated with the grid row.  This jump to is a method of CBAlarmSummary. I was wondering if I could somehow use the same method using my CBGrid object, so that the user can 'Jump To...' the appropriate form.

I would have used CBAlarmSummary instead, but it doesnt allow for the SQL query. I basically need a component that is a mix of both CBGrid and CBAlarmSummary.



  • this forum is primarily focused on ABB robot software, but maybe someone will be able to help with your product.
    Russell Drown
  • yeah i figured. havent found any other forum for ABB Scada Vision Explorer though...