Why is speed limit check point not working?

I am trying to program a robot to take a specified amount of time going from point to point, but I wanted to decrease the maximum speed so that it doesn't choose to run at the max speed of the robot.

The ideal code would look like this:

SpeedLimCheckPoint 500;
        SetDO LimitSpeedDO,high;

        FOR i FROM 1 TO 8 DO
            FOR j FROM 1 TO 52 DO
                HighRingJoint i,j; ! Runs through a function to assign calibrationPos with the next point on the list

                    MoveAbsJ CalibrationPos,SpeedSelect\T:=TimeSelect,ZoneSelect,currentTool;

Each of the positions the robot is moving to is a joint target.

SpeedSelect is set to v1000 and zoneSelect is z50.

When I noticed that this didn't work I then tried running the program by removing the time component to the move but I am still not seeing the correct response

When  I run the simulation (without the time component) without the speed limit the robot will run at 1000mm/s, but as soon as I use the speed limit it drops to about 100mm/s.

Is anyone able to help with this?
I am using the speed in current Wobj signal in the signal analyzer to see the results.


  • Not sure what is happening there try using Velset instead.

  • So I tried Velset but it doesn't work when you have the time component in the instruction.
    It did work though when I got rid of the time component and just had the speed set.

    I need the time aspect to work though.