RobTarget Arrays

I use arrays of const robtarget (for palletizing) when using the more efficient 3 position method and calculating the position doesn't work.

When I sync the robtargets to station it doesn't work. the path containing the array member appears, but not the position. What am I missing?

Best Answers

  • jjwempe2
    Answer ✓
    RobotStudio (annoyingly) doesn't like array values of RobTargets.

    As a workaround, you could create a dummy module to hold simulation data. In this module create a robtarget for each member of your original array.

    Then make a Proc that does 2 things: 1) it fills each individual target from it's corresponding array target. 2) it uses each individual rob target in a move command (zone and speed are irrelevant, be sure to use correct wobj and tool definition).  Execute this proc 1 time to properly fill the targets and then sync that path to station.
  • spg666
    Answer ✓
    disappointing, but thanks for the suggested work around 


  • spg666 said:
    I use arrays of const robtarget (for palletizing) when using the more efficient 3 position method and calculating the position doesn't work.

    When I sync the robtargets to station it doesn't work. the path containing the array member appears, but not the position. What am I missing?
    Try using PERS instead of CONST. I use arrays of RobTargets for many things and have no problems calculating the position.

    If your palletizing system does not palletize packages of different sizes, why not just save the linear and reorientation coordinates? It avoids having to maintain an array of RobTargets.

    Good work.