Save / Erase / Load RAPID task module via RWS

Hi, I'm trying to use an app on Omnicore teachpendant that can handle the work with modules.

I created simple app using AppMaker, and I'm trying to find a solution in javascript to Load / Save / Erase program module loaded in a task. As far as I got, I can work with any data from the module, but I cannot work with the module as a whole.

Is there a way to do it via RWS?



  • The idea of ​​my code is to load a module that is in a programs folder within the HOME folder of my controller, to the task of my robot T_ROB1. But I'm having trouble knowing which method to use to load these modules, I would need something like loadModule, but I haven't found a solution. Would anyone have an idea?

    const modulePath = `HOME:/PROGRAMAS${programName}.mod`;

          await RWS.Rapid.loadModule("T_ROB1", modulePath);