RobotStudio event

Import coordinates for robtargets

Hello everyone,

i've recently started working with RobotStudio to simulate a measurement application for car interior parts.
I need to create robtargets at predefined coordinates, which can be up to 160 positions per part. So manually placing these targets isn't an option. I've read about the CoordinateFileImport Add-In and tried to install it, because it would be the perfect solution for this problem. Unfortunately after installing the Add-In when I try to use it I get an error message in the output console:

   at CoordinateFileImport.CoordinateFileControl..ctor()
   at CoordinateFileImport.CoordinateFileRibbon.btnCoordinateFileImport_ExecuteCommand(Object sender, ExecuteCommandEventArgs e) in C:\Official\Developer Tools - Power Tools\TFS\Development\SourceCode\RSContent\DevTopics\DSP_Conceptual\Addins\FilesToUpload\CoordinateFileImport\CoordinateFileRibbon.cs:line 61

I've already tried all the workarounds from previous discussion threads and unfortunately I don't really have a lot of programming knowledge. One threads even states that the Add-In may not be compatible with newer versions of RS anymore?

Any help would be very appreciated.


  • Hi,
    I don't know where you found the Add-In, but I developed that many years ago, and it is not compatible with the newer versions of RobotStudio. But if you send me ( an example of a file you would like to import targets from, I will see if I can get the Add-In to work again with your file format and the newest version of RobotStudio.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Hi Anders,

    I did some research on how to import robtargets from coordinates and I stumbled upon the following link which leads to a walkthrough about that Add-In, including a download link.

    I would really appreciate it if you could make this Add-In compatible for the most recent version of RobotStudio!

    The orientation of the robtargets also is a keypoint for my application, because the tool should approach the part perpendicularly to the surface at all times. I'm currently working on an excel tool to simplify the preparation of the coordinate and orientation data for all the measurement points. However I'm not sure if I can include the transformation from euler angles to quaternions right away.

    I assume that the Add-In processes euler angles for the target orientation. It would also be of advantage if it was possible to place the targets in reference to an already existing Workobject. I'll send you an example file soon.

    Thanks a lot in advance!
  • Hi,
    Ok, understand. If you can export your points to a text file with comma separated values as in the picture below it will be easier for me. The targets orientation can either be in Euler angles or Quaternions in the text file. If you use mm or meter, radians or degrees, doesn't matter as long as you specify what you used.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics